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Planning Board Minutes 11/17/2011
November 17, 2011
Regular Meeting

Members & Staff Present:         Diane Chauncey (Secretary)      Scott Burnside (Member)                 David Dubois (Member)    Jesse Lazar (Vice-Chair)       Charles Levesque (Member)               Martha Pinello (Member)          John Robertson (Ex-Officio)   Andrew Robblee (Chair)  
Members & Staff Absent:
Mike Tatro (Alternate)  Stephen Schacht (Alternate)

Public Attendees:  Shelley  Nelkens          Sarah Vanderwende  Gordon Webber   
Wes Enman               Ron Haggett          Mike Genest                 Karen Weisswange
Margaret Warner 

7:00 PM – Public Meeting

November 3, 2011 Minutes  - Approve Minutes  Mr. Dubois moved to accept the minutes as presented. Mr. Robertson seconded. The minutes were approved unanimously.

Planning Department Budget  -

Town Planner - The Planning Department budget discussion was continued from the previous meeting. In the November 3rd discussion, the line item of Town Planner had remained as a line in the budget. Mr. Dubois stated that (after giving the Town Planner some thought), he felt that the item should be removed and the money should be reallocated to the Consultant line. Some members were concerned that if the Town Planner line was eliminated, it would be difficult to replace.  The Town Planner Consultant position (Carol Ogilvie would fill the position) was discussed. She had been asked to consider the “as needed” role of Planner, as well as review of the Master Plan and the Site Review and Subdivision Regulations. Her estimate should be available at the December 1 meeting. After further discussion, the Board decided to remove the Town Planner line.

Legal – In the November 3rd meeting, the legal line was discussed. The 2010 and 2011 legal costs were over $15,000 per year. The Planning Board members questioned which legal costs should be a part of the Planning Department budget – just Planning Board and Zoning Board of Adjustment consultations and guidance from Town Counsel and not litigation (that may occur); or should the budget line include all the legal costs – which would result in a higher budget line. Chair Robblee and Mr. Robertson will discuss the legal line with the Town Administrator.  

Zoning ordinance recommendations for 2012 ballot
Suggested wording for a height dependent structure (wording by Mr. Hagget of the ZBA):

4:  Permitted uses and uses permitted by variance or special exception which are determined to be height dependent shall be exempt from the height restrictions otherwise specified in the district the use is located.
The Board reviewed the 2012 ZO ballot items. The items discussed on November 3rd will go on the 2012 ballot. Chair Robblee asked if there were any further discussion for the 2012 ballot. The Special Town Meeting Ballot for a Large Scale Wind Ordinance was discussed – would there be any further work on the ordinance (the Ordinance did not pass, 815 voters, 309 yes to 501 no). Some members stated that any changes to the ordinance needed to be supported by the Chair.
Chair Robblee was not sure that it should fall on his shoulders and stated that he continued to feel that if the original ordinance of the 2011 ballot had been voted on, the Board could have developed regulations for a large scale wind project rather than an ordinance.

Mr. Burnside stated that the Planning Board should move forward with the revisions of the Subdivision and Site Plan Regulations  in order to have  the regulations in place for potential large scale projects.

Mr. Levesque stated that he was not sure how to determine the outcome of question #1.
He stated that the Eolian campaign materials were very contrary and misleading. He felt that if the ordinance had passed, the Antrim Wind Energy project could be built. He also stated that some voters were confused by the questions and were not sure how to vote.

Mr. Burnside stated that the ordinance had been too restrictive from the beginning.

Ms. Pinello stated that there was balance in the ordinance.

Chair Robblee stated that he had been incorrect about the voter turnout – there had been many more than he had expected.

Mr. Levesque stated that he was not sure what would occur if there was another ordinance vote.

Ms. Pinello reported an October 13, 2011 telephone call with Garrard/Hassan in which the environmental consultant stated that John Soininen had had a conversation with the consultant and had stated that  “he could live with” the ordinance as written and he could do the project.

Several audience members did not agree with her statement.

Mr. Levesque stated that he was not sure how to move forward.

Chair Robblee said that he would talk to Ms. Vanderwende and each of the Planning Board members to determine the next step.

Bethel Lot Merger
After a short discussion, Ms. Pinello moved to approve the voluntary lot merger of Lots 232-070 and 232-070-001 on Goodell Road in the Residential District. Mr. Burnside seconded. By a unanimous roll call vote, the merger was granted.

Gravel Pit – Chauncey
The Planning Board would like to address a November 17, 2011 letter from Matthew Chauncey stating that “Antrim Planning Board has been negligent enforcing RSA 155: E and its “Town of Antrim Excavation and Reclamation Regulations”. The Board would like Chair Robblee to direct that a file to be prepared with all pertinent Pit information for the Board to review and determine the validity of Mr. Chauncey concerns.

Workshops and Trainings:

  • Forest Laws for Municipal Officials – flyer – FYI
At 8:10PM, Mr. Lazar moved to adjourn. Ms. Pinello. seconded. All approved to adjourn - by a voice vote.

Respectfully submitted, Diane Chauncey, Secretary of the Planning Board